Helps motorists – especially the disadvantaged

With our Challenge Writer module, Chatbot Max can write the challenge for motorists who’ve decided to challenge. If they’re going to challenge anyway, having their challenge written for them saves time and stress – especially for those with mental health issues (1 in 6) or inadequate literacy skills (also 1 in 6).

Saves time & money

Follow-on correspondence has dropped, because drivers using Challenge Writer are 1.6x more likely to provide evidence first time. And back-office processing time is faster, because challenges written by Challenge Writer are clearer, shorter and quicker to read.

Improves reputations

Challenge Writer shows motorists that you care about them. That you’re friend not foe. Which is great for the council’s reputation. And it’s great for the wider reputation of the parking sector too. Driver testimonials (below) are full of good words about the council such as ‘helpful’, ‘impressed’, ‘really appreciated’.

What motorists say

‘It was really helpful, really appreciated it thank you.’

Georgia H

‘Appealing a parking fine is stressful. To dispute a PCN, it’s hard to know what to say or what documents you need to provide. The appeal it wrote for me told me what evidence to supply, so my case was resolved first time. A really helpful service. I’m very impressed the council offers it.’

William O

What councils say

‘Challenge Writer corrects a major social injustice. The disadvantaged no longer need to struggle writing a challenge or get left out. Thanks to Challenge Writer, they can now exercise the same right to challenge as everyone else. It’s a welcome breakthrough – for the sector and for motorists.’

Garry Hoyle, North Tyneside Council

‘Challenge Writer saves everyone time and hassle. Everyone wins. It radically improves people’s perceptions of the council and the parking sector. Challenge Writer is a major innovation.’

Stewart Skene, Perth & Kinross Council

‘Challenge Writer supports residents and businesses in Newham in writing representations, particularly those where
English is not their first language.’

Sarah Randall, London Borough of Newham