Transforms customer experience and accessibility

For motorists, it’s like live-chatting with a helpful human expert – and getting personal PCN advice. Motorists become informed, not frustrated. Max is there for them 24/7. And chats in any language.

Reduces correspondence by up to 33%

Max resolves issues without motorists always having to write in. Max understands parking, knows your policies, and gives motorists the advice they seek. This empowers motorists to make an educated decision about challenging their PCN – and many decide not to. Challenges have decreased by 33%, saving everyone time, money and stress.

A game-changing innovation

Chatbot Max is an expert digital colleague. Powered by our triple-award-winning parking ‘brain’ with 800 policy settings, Max is fully developed and effective from day one. And being digital, Max can help many motorists simultaneously and 24/7. A win-win for councils and motorists.

Results that speak for themselves

‘Chatbot Max is a game-changing innovation – a 24/7 digital colleague.’

Paul Hutton, Dorset Council

‘With Chatbot Max, motorists get the help they desperately seek, 24/7. They become informed, not frustrated. And this empowers them to make an educated decision about whether to challenge their PCN.’

Shane Reffin, Wakefield Council