Every year, 2 million disadvantaged adults struggle to access online help if they think their PCN is unfair. 1 in 5 adults lack the digital skills. And 1 in 6 lack the literacy skills. Allowing for an overlap between these groups, they comprise around 1 in 3 adults, or 2 million of the 6 million people who challenge a public or private PCN every year.
But thanks to Voice Master, they can now get the advice they need over the phone.
They simply call Voice Master, our 24/7 PCN helpline operated by an AI digital agent. Voice Master speaks and handles PCN calls like an expert human, asking questions before giving tailored advice. And if the motorist is calling from a mobile, Voice Master can write the caller’s challenge for them and text it to their phone.
Help over the phone is a lifeline for the disadvantaged, ensuring they no longer get left out. Thanks to Voice Master, they have access to PCN help like everyone else. (And back-office staff are freed up too.)